19th Meeting of the NATO M&S COE Steering Committee

Rome – The NATO M&S COE hosted the 19th Steering Committee meeting from 15-16 November 2022 in the “Adriano De Cicco” barracks in Cecchignola, Rome.

The meeting brought together the national representatives from the NATO M&S COE’s Sponsoring Nations – Italy, the Czech Republic, Germany, and the United States.  

The meeting was an opportunity for the NATO M&S COE to review the progress the Centre made on research and projects in 2022 and to submit the 2023 Programme of Work to the Steering Committee for approval.  Programme of work efforts range from research activities to building effective capabilities to enhance the Alliance.  The NATO M&S COE will continues to adapt to changes in the Alliance and is committed to providing expertise with regards to modelling & simulation to NATO, Nations, and its Partners.

During the opening of the meeting, the NATO M&S COE Director, Colonel Francesco Pacillo (ITA A), stated “This past year the Centre made great strides with both research and capability development.  In 2023 we plan on expanding our scope of knowledge and incorporating M&S related projects on Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations, Artificial Intelligence and CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear). Additionally, we will continue to improve our delivery of a Wargaming model capability.  Our Centre is the hub for M&S education and training.  Our courses provide a valuable resource to the Alliance and prepare individuals to immediately contribute to M&S challenges in understanding and directly to NATO exercises.  Finally, our Centre is also a hub for the M&S community of interest and we will work to bring this community together at every opportunity to innovate and present solutions while connecting ideas from military, academia and industry.”  

The next steering committee meeting is scheduled for the Spring of 2023 and will be an opportunity to update the Sponsoring Nations on the progress of each of the Centre’s projects and Direction and Guidance to eventual receive .

Written by Lt. Col. Brad Koerner  and Lt. Col. Cristoforo Russo NATO M&S COE

See here the Italian MoD Press Release


The NATO Modelling & Simulation Centre of Excellence is dedicated to the promotion of Modelling & Simulation in support of operational requirements, training and interoperability. The Centre act as a catalyst for transformation through the involvement of NATO, governments, academia, industry, operational and training entities, by improving the networking of NATO and nationally owned Modelling & Simulation systems, the cooperation between Nations and organizations through the sharing of Modelling & Simulation information and developments and serving as an international source of expertise for transformation in the related domain. https://www.mscoe.org

NATO Centres of Excellence are nationally or multi-nationally funded institutions accredited by NATO. They train and educate leaders and specialists from NATO member and partner countries, assist in doctrine development, identify lessons learned, improve interoperability and capabilities, and test and validate concepts through experimentation. They offer recognized expertise and experience that is of benefit to the Alliance and support the transformation of NATO, while avoiding the duplication of assets, resources and capabilities already present within the NATO command structure. Although not part of the NATO command structure, they are part of a wider framework supporting NATO Command Arrangements. [source https://www.act.nato.int/centres-of-excellence]