ELMO (Electromagnetic Layer for Multi-domain Operations) developing and testing activities

Written by LTC Piergiorgio Ventura, CPT Salvatore De Mattia

Published: 18 December 2023

Created: 8 December 2023

The electromagnetic environment is an essential element for the understanding and conduct of future military operations. Its transversal characteristic permeates the operational scenario in a multi-domain perspective and, therefore, the comprehension and management of this physical dimension is crucial.
The NATO Modelling & Simulation Centre of Excellence (M&S COE) is conducting a project called “ELMO” (Electromagnetic Layer for Multi-domain Operations), which aims to create a synthetic environment for the virtualization of the so-called ElectroMagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO). In this context, M&S expresses flexible characteristics for the implementation of complex electromagnetic multi-domain scenarios, able to make visible in the scenario what is not visible or detectable in a real world environment. This feature would simplify the understanding of the main electromagnetic spectrum parameters and enhance the operational and informative characteristics, which the electronic assets provide within the Electronic Warfare context.
The EM layer was built using the Software Tool Kit (STK), developed by the AGI Company, and MATLAB, developed by the Mathworks Company. The integration of the two tools was exploited to generate ad-hoc synthetic military components such as Jammers and Radar Warning receivers.
A specific scenario was then built in order to simulate a military EM environment, where the STK synthetic assets, such as satellites, radars and communication systems, interact with the military components developed in MATLAB. The EM layer generated by the MATLAB-STK integration successfully provides a comprehensive visualization over time of the entire electromagnetic spectrum on the battlefield.
The tests performed in a demo scenario with interacting objects virtually operating in a comprehensive EM environment proved the capability of ELMO to develop a complex framework suitable, not only for Commanders’ decision making, but also for capability Development and Experimentation.

Written by LTC Piergiorgio Ventura and CPT Salvatore De Mattia – NATO M&S COE